Exporting and Importing Configuration in Multi-Tenant Mode

System configuration export and import are recommended for easy migration to new product deployment. System configuration, such as jobs, user credentials, inventory items, Transporter and Backup Repository settings, is all exported into a single export bundle.
The export bundle can be applied to a new deployment.

To export system configuration from the old deployment, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Settings in the old deployment.

  2. Go to the General tab and click System migration.

  3. Click Export system configuration.

  4. In the dialog box that opens, click Export.

  5. Click Proceed to confirm the operation.

    All activities in the old deployment (such as jobs and recovery sessions) will be automatically stopped and disabled.

  6. Wait until the export is completed, and download the export bundle.

To import system configuration into the new deployment, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Settings in the new deployment.

  2. Go to the General tab and click System migration.

  3. Click Import system configuration.

  4. In the dialog window that appears, locate the export bundle using the Browse button.

  5. Click Import.

  6. Click Proceed to confirm the operation.

    If there is any existing data in the new deployment, it will be overwritten with the import operation.

  7. Wait until the import is completed, and close the dialog box.


  1. Data contained in backup repositories is not migrated to the new location automatically. If you are using a locally attached Backup Repository, the physical data must be copied or moved to the new location manually. 
    After moving the files you may need to edit the Backup Repository settings in the new deployment so that the new settings refer to the actual Backup Repository location.

  2. If a custom TLS/SSL certificate of the Web server was used in the old deployment, a manual service restart will be required in the new deployment.