List Jobs in Group

List all jobs in a group.

To list all jobs pass null in data. See Data.



Tenant Endpoint

For tenants of the multi-tenant product the endpoint must be:

Request Example

Request Fields

action string
method string
data array Parameters
type string rpc
tid integer 1


idList int Group ID. null is the top group identifier (lists all jobs).
clientTimeOffsetToUtc int Client's current time zone offset to UTC (seconds).
collectAllChildJobs boolean True to get the full info for all child jobs, not only direct ones. This increases the resulting data size; the overall processing size is the same.

Response Sample

Response Fields

message string Message if the request failed
where string Reference to the method where the problem occurred
cause string Cause of failure
data JSON

Job summary info.


Field Value Description
id int Job group ID
vid string Job group VID
name string Job group display name
status string Job status
jobCount JSON The number of jobs inside the group, grouped by hypervisor
jobCountEnabled int The number of enabled jobs
jobCountLicensed int The number of jobs that don't violate the license
hvTypeBackupCount JSON The number of backups grouped by hypervisor
hvTypeBackupHasRootDiskCount JSON AWS-specific: backup count which savepoints have a Root volume
vmCount int The number of VMs processed by the jobs inside a group
diskCount int The number of disks processed by the jobs inside a group
sourcesSize int Total size of the sources processed by the jobs inside a group (in bytes)
isEnabled boolean Checks if the group is enabled
isRemoved boolean Checks if the group is removed
crJobRunning int The number of currently running jobs
crVmRunning int The number of currently processed VMs
hasLastRun boolean true if the job had the last run
lrJobOk int Number of successful last runs
lrJobFailed int The number of failed jobs
lrJobStopped int The number of stopped jobs
childJobIds array of int The IDs of the child jobs
immediateChildJobIds array of int The IDs of the direct children of a group
transporters array of JSON Info about the transporters involved. See below
storages array of JSON

Info about the storage involved. See below


Info about transporters used by jobs in a group.

Field Value Description
isAuto boolean Checks if a Transporter was assigned automatically
usedAsSource boolean Checks if a Transporter used as a source
usedAsTarget boolean Checks if a Transporter used as a target
maxLoadFactor int Maximum number of jobs supported by a transporter
currentTotalLoad int Current number of jobs using a transporter
vid string VID of a Transporter
name string Display name of a Transporter
state string Current state of a Transporter

Info about storages used by jobs in a group.

Field Value Description
vid string Storage VID
name string Storage display name
size long Full size of the storage
free long Free space on the storage
used long Used space on the storage
state string Storage status
online boolean Checks if the storage is online
infiniteSize boolean AWS-specific: true if the EBS or EBS Snapshot Storage is used
type string The type of storage